60 Blog Ideas for Any Industry

January 23, 2024

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Creating a winning blog strategy isn’t supposed to be easy. If it were, more people would do it. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible, either. In fact, with the right strategy, time, and effort, anyone can create a successful blogging strategy.

One of the biggest challenges many bloggers face is coming up with fresh ideas to blog about, especially when they’re under time constraints or facing writer’s block. So, whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just getting started, having a list of blog ideas on hand can be a lifesaver.

But before we dive into our list of blog ideas, let’s take a moment to go over the basics. Here is the anatomy of the perfect blog.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog

Many new writers look at a blank page and assume they can write whatever they want, but seasoned veterans know that there’s a formula that all writers should use when writing blogs. 

So, here’s the basic breakdown of everything you should include in your blogs.

Headline/Title: The headline for your blog should be all-encompassing, captivating, and thoughtful. Readers should know exactly what they’re getting into, and the words used in the headline should entice them to click. Plus, you should always use your primary keyword in your title for SEO purposes.

Meta Description: The meta description is a brief summary of your blog post that appears under the title in search engine results. It should be concise, informative, and compelling enough to encourage readers to click through to your website. Also, try to keep it under 160 characters and include your primary keyword for better SEO.

Images: Including relevant and high-quality images in your blog can significantly enhance your reader’s experience and make your post more visually appealing. Images break up large blocks of text and give the reader a visual representation of what you’re discussing. Also, be sure to include alt tags for each image for better SEO and optimize your image sizes for faster loading speeds.

Introduction: Following your headline, meta description, and featured image, the introduction is your last chance to grab your reader’s attention and convince them to keep reading. So, if you want to entice the reader, you have to make your introduction captivating. Try using storytelling, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question to engage your audience and set the tone for the rest of the post.

Header Levels: Using header levels (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to structure your blog can make it easy for your readers to navigate, read, and understand. The H1 should be your main title, and each subsequent header level should represent a subtopic or section of your post. This makes your post scannable and digestible, allowing readers to find the information they’re looking for quickly.

The Body: The body of your blog should be well-organized, easy to read, and packed with valuable information. As a pro tip, try to use:

  • Short paragraphs
  • Bullet points
  • Numbered Lists
  • Bold/italic text 
  • Callout Text 

to break up the content and make it more readable. Also, when writing the body of your blog post, use relevant examples, stories, research, and personal anecdotes to support your points and make your blog more relatable.

Data: Incorporating data and statistics in your blog can add credibility to your post and strengthen your argument. However, make sure to use accurate and reliable sources, and present the data in a way that is easy to understand. Consider only including research released in the last two years to ensure you’re only sharing relevant facts. 

Conclusion: The conclusion is your chance to leave a lasting impression on your readers and prompt them to take action. So, you should use this section to summarize your main points and provide a clear takeaway for your readers. Then, take some time to encourage your readers to take action by including a CTA.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Using a call-to-action is a powerful way to guide your readers to take a specific action. You should use a clear and concise CTA that aligns with the purpose of your blog, such as signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, downloading an eBook, or leaving a comment. Make sure to place your CTA in a prominent position and use action-oriented language.

60 Blog Ideas for Any Industry

Now that you have a better understanding of the basic things every blog should include, let’s take a moment to discuss the different types of blogs, plus some ideas for each one. 

Here are 60 blog ideas that can fit almost any industry, broken down into different categories.


A listicle is a blog post presented as a list of numbered items or bullet points. It’s one of the most popular blog types because it’s super easy to read and digest, and readers tend to love them. Here are some listicle blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Write a bunch of inspiring ideas to help people in your industry.
  2. Talk about specific designs/products using images and image descriptions.
  3. Create a Top 5 list or a list of your favorites in any particular category.
  4. Make a list of fun things to do in your area.
  5. List resources, tools, or software people can use related to your industry. 
  6. Create a list of tips related to your industry.
  7. Create a to-do list related to your products.
  8. Create a checklist related to your industry.
  9. Write about the top 10 industry trends to watch out for in the coming year.
  10. Write a list of tips for building a successful career in your industry.
  11. Write about the top 10 benefits of using your products or services.
  12. Create a list of common mistakes to avoid in your industry.
  13. Write a list of the most common myths or misconceptions about your industry.

Industry News

When you write about industry news, you should aim to provide the latest news and updates related to your specific industry or field. Here are some industry news blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Write about things happening in your industry.
  2. Do a current events-style report of what’s happening in your industry.
  3. Interview someone in your industry about stuff going on in your industry.
  4. Talk about how things happening in the industry are affecting your business.
  5. Tell a personal story related to your industry.
  6. Write about the impact new technology has had on your industry.
  7. Write an opinion piece about the future of your industry.
  8. Interview someone successful in your industry. 


Product-centric blog posts should promote and highlight a specific product or service. These are important for your brand, but you shouldn’t overuse them. Otherwise, it’ll appear like you’re only promoting and not providing additional value. Here are some product-centric blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Write about a specific product that you offer.
  2. Share customer reviews for your products. 
  3. Share behind-the-scenes information related to your products.
  4. Create a product spotlight.
  5. Make a side-by-side comparison of your product versus your competitors.
  6. Provide real-world examples of how consumers use your products/services and their impact on consumers’ lives.

How-To’s, Tutorials, and Guides

This blog type should aim to provide step-by-step or comprehensive instructions on how to do something or achieve a specific task. Here are some how-to blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Create a how-to for something related to your industry.
  2. Create a comprehensive beginner’s guide.
  3. Create an expert’s guide (this should be less general and more specialized).
  4. Create a product tutorial.
  5. Share someone else’s tutorial using your products.
  6. Write a blog about getting started in your industry.
  7. Create an FAQ (frequently asked questions) blog.
  8. Write a blog about how to network and build connections in your industry.
  9. Create an installation guide related to your products.


Informative blog posts provide readers with useful information on a particular topic without necessarily being instructional. This information should be industry-specific and offer both help and guidance. Here are some informative blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Write about a specific case study related to your industry.
  2. Talk about things that are happening in your industry that other people in your industry want to know about.
  3. Share detailed product information.
  4. Create an infographic.
  5. Share statistics.
  6. Write about the history of your industry.
  7. Talk about the importance of your industry in society and how your business plays a role in that significance.
  8. Create a glossary where you define complex jargon commonly used in your industry.
  9. Talk about your business’ environmental sustainability. 
  10. Discuss the role of your industry in environmental sustainability.


Vlogs are video blog posts that typically include a person or group talking directly to the camera about a specific topic or experience. Thanks to the advent of short-form video platforms, creating this sort of content should already be a part of your social media strategy, so making them a bit longer shouldn’t be that big of a stretch. Here are some vlog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Interview another person in your industry.
  2. Create a “Day in the Life of…” video.
  3. Share a video of you talking about your favorite things related to your industry.
  4. Weigh in on current events related to your industry.
  5. Share a controversial opinion related to your industry.
  6. Share behind-the-scenes footage of your business.

Quizzes, Surveys, and Polls

Quizzes, surveys, and polls are interactive blog posts that allow readers to engage with the content by answering questions or providing feedback. Here are some quiz, survey, and poll blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Create a quiz related to your industry.
  2. Ask for people’s thoughts on a particular issue or topic.
  3. Create a pool (then share the results in a second post).
  4. Create different personality types based on your industry.

Photo Galleries

Photo galleries are blog posts showcasing photos related to a specific topic, event, product, or service. Here are some photo gallery blog ideas for almost any industry:

  1. Share a bunch of product pictures.
  2. Create a gallery using user-generated content
  3. Share a bunch of images of your product being used.
  4. Create an installation guide using photos.

Create a Blog Strategy that Works for You!

Whether you’re an expert blogger or just getting started, blogging can still get pretty overwhelming. But with the right approach, anyone can become a successful blogger. It may take time, effort, and patience to create a strategy that works for you, but the end result is definitely worth it. 

Having a constant flow of fresh ideas is crucial to keeping your blog alive and thriving, and our list of 60 blog ideas can help you create engaging content that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back. So, be sure to bookmark this article and check back whenever you’re looking for new ideas. Happy blogging!